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What is Sleep Apnea?

Around half of all men and around 30% of all women snore. Not everyone who snores has sleep apnea but it can be a key symptom of it.

Snoring loudly could be an indication of sleep apnea, a disorder in which breathing stops and starts repeatedly during sleep, you gasp for air or make loud noises from your mouth or throat during sleep

People with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) have repeated episodes of partial or complete obstruction of the throat during sleep. Major signs of sleep apnea are where a person stops breathing for seconds to over a minute so that’s something that warrants further investigation.

Having a life partner listen to your breathing while sleeping is a good place to start to determine how serious the issue is and how frequently they stop breathing or how often they have what’s medically termed as an “event”.

The AHI or Apnea Hypopnea Index is the number of times you have apnea or hypopnea during one night, divided by the hours of sleep;

  • Normal sleep: An AHI of fewer than five events, on average, per hour
  • Mild sleep apnea: An AHI of five to 14 events per hour
  • Moderate sleep apnea: An AHI of 15 to 29 events per hour
  • Severe sleep apnea: An AHI of 30 or more events per hour

In most cases of severe sleep apnea a Doctor will recommend CPAP (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure) Therapy. With mild to moderate sleep apnea they may offer alternative solutions.  If you have sleep apnea, or suspect that you have sleep apnea, you should speak with your Doctor, Sleep Specialist or Pharmacist.

Couple in Bed - Waking partner with Sleep Apnea
Snoring breathing pathways

Symptoms of Snoring

Snoring occurs when the soft tissues in the throat relax and then vibrate as air moves over them. There is commonly a restriction or something that causes a narrowing of the airway that causes the throat to vibrate to produce snoring noises and these commonly include…

  • Drinking alcohol
  • Being overweight
  • Large tonsils
  • Sleep deprivation
  • Sleeping position
  • Nasal problems

How can Snoring be Treated?

Snoring can be treated with various methods. The most common and successful treatment method is to use an oral mouthguard or anti snoring mouthguard like SnoreMD.

SnoreMD is a revolutionary snoring solution recommended by Pharmacists & Sleep Physicians.

It’s a registered, Class 1 Medical Device, designed, developed and manufactured in Australia.

SnoreMD’s fully adjustable, patented design gently holds the lower jaw in an advanced position to help prevent your tongue from collapsing into your throat.

This helps to open the airways and enable better airflow during breathing while you are asleep, snoring is dramatically improved and, in the majority of cases, can be completely resolved.

It’s comfortable, reusable, budget-friendly and has delivered successful results for tens of thousands of users looking for a solution to their snoring issues.


Snoring Aid Comparison Chart

When researching other snoring aids marketed to help snoring, SnoreMD is highlighted as the smartest choice when comparing quality, adjustability and affordability.

SnoreMD Nasal Strip Nasal Clip Dental Mouthguard
Yearly Cost $169.95 $377.05 ($31.40 per month) $364.40 ($39.35 per month) $1500 - $2500
Cost per sleep over 12 months $0.46 $1.03 $1.00 $4.10 - $6.84
No Ongoing Costs
Money Back Guarantee
12 Month Warranty
Dental Grade Material
Adjust Fit Without Re-Moulding
Remouldable N/A N/A
Control Adjustability
Made in Australia
Recommended by Sleep Physicians & Sleep Clinics
Registered Medical Device
Clinically proven to treat symptoms associated with Snoring Relieves nasal congestion only Dilates nasal airway only

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