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If you are looking for a snoring aid or solution to put an end to interrupted sleep for you or your partner, you’ve come to the right web page. You’ll find everything you need on this page, in one of our blog posts or sleep resource pages.

There are a few options to choose from to treat snoring with a snoring aid, which you can see below in the Features Comparison Chart. It is wise to consider all aspects of a snoring solution and not just price alone.

SnoreMD treats the symptoms associated with the noise you hear, commonly know as snoring.

When compared to other snoring aids designed to help snoring and improve sleep; SnoreMD’s premium quality, adjustability and value for money show it’s the best choice.

If you have a question or want more information on snoring aids or on any of the features of SnoreMD, please contact us for more information.

Feature Comparison Chart

SnoreMD Nasal Strip Nasal Clip Dental Mouthguard
Yearly Cost $169.95 $377.05 ($31.40 per month) $364.40 ($39.35 per month) $1500 - $2500
Cost per sleep over 12 months $0.46 $1.03 $1.00 $4.10 - $6.84
No Ongoing Costs
Money Back Guarantee
12 Month Warranty
Dental Grade Material
Adjust Fit Without Re-Moulding
Remouldable N/A N/A
Control Adjustability
Made in Australia
Recommended by Sleep Physicians & Sleep Clinics
Registered Medical Device
Clinically proven to treat symptoms associated with Snoring Relieves nasal congestion only Dilates nasal airway only

Enjoy a Great Night Sleep Again

SnoreMD is bringing couple’s back together, to sleep in their own beds with their partner again. Putting up with snoring is a choice and considering the above product comparisons, SnoreMD is the best solution to snoring, to treat the noise problem that prevents a quiet, restful sleep.

As you can see in the chart above, the SnoreMD device cost-per-sleep is only $0.46 – based on the 12 month warranty period. Our customers are finding the product can last longer than 12 months because it is constructed from quality, medical grade materials.

The duration of the anti-snore aid depends on the sleeper, such as whether the person grinds their teeth, how they store it between sleeps, and its post-use care. Optimal performance is designed to be 12 months. Even at 12 months duration, you can see that SnoreMD is a cost-effective, quality snoring solution.

snoring solution couple in bed